Friday, October 22, 2010

Train Tracks, Bridges, and Tunnels

You obviously know how much Haydn loves trains and train tracks. Recently my best friend and I have been going on walks on some trails through the park system around here. (We found that several parks hook up via paved trails, perfect for walking with children.) The trails go across rivers/creeks/water drainage areas, so the trails have bridges, or as Haydn calls them 'bridgeys'. It's pretty neat because we can get to so many different parks and avoid having to cross roads (in most cases). Anyhow, today we parked at one park and walked back to a park we've been to before and back. (Make sense? haha) There is huge tunnel that goes under the stairs at the park. Haydn loved it and I was able to snag this picture!
It's not very clear, but I think that adds to the 'artsy' part of it. He's very good at 'posing' and always looks like he is in the moment. Love it! I have such a cute little boy. (Unbiased comment there of course!)