Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Days and Hair Cuts

Haydn getting ready to go out and play in the snow. We've had snow before, but it wasn't enough to play in. Walking out the door to play in the snow! Haydn had a bit of trouble walking since he was so bundled up...he has on 2 shirts, a pair of pants, 2 pairs of socks, gloves, snow suit, and coat. I would find it difficult to walk with all that on too!
First time touching snow!Haydn fell face first into that big pile of snow, then fell backwards onto his butt, and then on over to hit is head. Lets just say he wasn't fond of the snow after that. Haydn sporting a new shirt from Uncle Eric and Aunt Liz (I must say, he looks mighty fine in it!) and his new hair cut!

I gave Adam and Haydn hair cuts yesterday. Adam's turned out fine...looked like normal. Haydn's was little to be desired. So, I trimmed it up tonight (and he sat still a little better this time) and this is how it turned out. I'm pretty pleased with it. He looks like a different kid to me, and his hair looks so BLONDE!


Momma Sarah said...

Are you sure that's the same kid???? So cute all bundled up... maybe next time, he'll have a better time of it. Lori didn't like the snow too much after going out, but she always wanted to go out when we had snow this year. Crazy girl!

The Roes said...

I think he mostly hated to be bundled up...he would have been happy if we just let him play without a coat on.

Boyd Box said...

He's so cute!! I love his smile with the semi-crinkled nose expression! I'd love to see if Emily likes the snow...she doesn't seem to know what cold is (even when it IS cold here, she doesn't act cold).
Hey, and since you didn't brag on your husband here, I will. Adam is awesome to go help your neighbors out! We finally have a set of neighbors who help. They came to tell us that our mailbox got run over again (for the 5th time!).

Caryn Allen said...

I thought the same thing...Haydn looks like a different kid!!