Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Night Kisses

Haydn has been giving kisses for a long time. You just had to be prepared to kiss an open mouth! Adam and I have been really exaggerating how to kiss with your mouth closed ("nobody wants to kiss a cookie" hahaha). So recently Haydn has learned to purse his lips and give kisses this way, which we love! Now he'll even kiss us on the cheek and head. It's really quite cute. Anyhow, Adam is gone again over night working (which I really hate...we really miss him when he's gone). Adam is really good at getting Haydn to go to sleep with little to no fight. I used to be the one who could get Haydn down for bed, but now it is Adam. So, being a defeatist I decided that I'd let Haydn go to bed with me. He laid down on a pillow, pulled the sheet up and over him and curled up like he was going to go to sleep. Excellent! This was going to be the easiest night ever! A little while later I felt Haydn move... and then he was leaning over my head and kissed me on the cheek. He mumbled something which I'm assuming was either "Good night Mommy" or "I love you Mommy". He crawled back to where he was before and nestled in for the night again. A few more minutes and he did the same thing. Only this time he had to kiss me on the lips! Again, he repeats back to getting all situated to go to sleep. He did this a few more times and I finally decided that I was going to have to try to get him to go to sleep in his own bed. As annoying as Haydn was being, I sure did love those Good Night Kisses. I'll cherish them now because I know some day he'll stop giving me kisses.


Boyd Box said...

Emily has a ritual she goes through every day when Eric leaves. She gives him "lots of kisses" and kisses him on one cheek, then the other, then the forehead, then the top of his head, then his nose, and then his lips. It's so cute and hilarious (we don't do this to her, so we are not sure where it came from).

Momma Sarah said...

Hey there! I meant to give you a call tonight! But, cataloging DVD's got in the way... Hope Haydn went to bed reasonably well for you after all those kisses! Love ya!