Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last week I had the opportunity to babysit a friend's children while she went out of state to help her sister with a baby. Her husband was still here, but since he was working I was able to do the afternoon motherly things. She has four children and also babysits a little girl who is in kindergarten. My days started off picking the youngest up from pre-school, picking the other girl up from kindergarten and then waiting for the other children to ride the bus home or ride their bikes home (depending on if they are still in elementary or middle school). The day was pleasantly broken up by children coming home from school. I'm not kidding, this was the best babysitting experience EVER. I loved watching these kids. The two younger girls played very well together and even invited Haydn to play with them. The oldest basically took care of herself and then the other two got home not long before the kindergartener was picked up. There was only one boy in the family and he would do whatever chore and homework immediately and then go off and play with his friends. The oldest would help the younger sister with any homework she had. If I can raise my kids to behave as well as those kids do, I will consider myself a very blessed mother. I look forward to having more children and getting to be a parent to older children. Don't get me wrong, I love having my little Haydn, but I do look forward to him having siblings and helping him (and other children) with homework. Aww...if only we can be blessed enough to have more children. If not, I will continue to cherish the one I have!

1 comment:

Caryn Allen said...

You're such a great sunbeam's leader, I can totally see you with a truck-load of kids! ;)