Thursday, October 8, 2009

Perfectly Miserable

It is a perfectly miserable day. Not so much as miserable as makes one in a poor mood, but miserable weather that makes for a perfect day to be indoors. Maybe I'd have a different opinion if I were out in the wet mess we can only call rain. Calling it rain is not accurate either. We have a number of ways to describe lighter rain: sprinkle, drizzle, shower, spray, etc. But think about what rain describes. I can say it's raining and every person who is not here, has a different idea of the volume of water coming from the sky. People who live in the Pacific Northwest might think that the rain is just a drizzle, something that won't stop a game from being played but can ruin a day. People in Florida might think that it is a torrential downpour that requires one to lock up the windows and prepare for the worst. I assure you it is neither. Raining could mean anything from a gentle, steady rain, a downpour or somewhere in between. The reader gets to decide what that is, unless I specify what it is. What makes today a perfectly miserable day is that it is a downpour. There is no doubt in my mind that it is going to rain the majority of the day. I have no plans of being able to enjoy the outdoors. I also enjoy these kinds of days because they allow me to ponder what is going on in my life and seek the solutions. I love these days because they can be so enchanting in so many ways. When we are all indoors we spend our time together and enjoy each others' company. There are no thoughts of mowing lawns, picking fruits or vegetables from the garden, or raking the fall leaves. Maybe the misery allows someone to become more philosophical.

Today I am thinking about the meaning of words. Obviously from using the word miserable to describe this day that I already enjoy. I've been reading more lately and have enjoyed seeing and reading words for how they were meant to be used instead of how vulgar we use them today. How you can say a word and it means two completely different things amazes me. I was just watching an older movie last night and one of the main characters mentioned that if you knew your language very well, it would open doors for you that are closed to others. That is so true. Not only knowing your language, but being able to pronounce the words properly helps as well.


Momma Sarah said...

Whoa! Deep thoughts there Rachel!

Boyd Box said...

HEY! Where's my comment?! I wrote one when I read it's gone.