Saturday, June 27, 2009

Talking While Asleep

Some of my favorite childhood memories and stories include Liz and I talking or fighting in our sleep. My mother would wake me up in the mornings and I would tell her that I would get up, 30 minutes later I'd still be asleep. This frustrated everyone in my family through the years. Well, it didn't stop there. I continued to have conversations with Adam in my sleep. Apparently Haydn has inherited this amazing skill. The other day I was on my way home from my daily walk and play-date for Haydn. He had fallen asleep on the ride home. I picked him up out of his car seat as a motorcycle drove by. Haydn popped his head up and said "Vrooom", and laid his head down. I was a little disappointed that this motorcycle had awakened Haydn, but much to my surprise, he was still asleep and slept his usual length of time. I started giggling thinking about it.

A couple nights ago, Adam was snoring....really LOUD. I shook him to get him to move so he'd stop. Nothing. I shook him again...NOTHING. This time I really shook him hard and said "ADAM, you're snoring!" He popped his head up and said "That can't be, I wasn't snoring, my eyes weren't asleep." I started laughing at the statement and then he started to get his sleep. He asked me why I was laughing. I told him that he denied snoring. Again, he said "I wasn't snoring, my eyes were not asleep yet!" I had to roll over and try to control my laughter so he'd quit talking. Too funny.

Since I'm telling stories about everyone else...I have to share one about myself. As of lately, I've been dreaming I was different people. I don't know why, but I'm in different people's bodies and their thoughts are mine. It's weird. Anyhow...last night I had a dream that I was Pam from The Office. (Scary...I know) Anyhow, Jim (Adam) and I were talking and making jokes. They often giggle together on the show. Well, we were laughing and having a good time. I woke myself up laughing...literally laughing out loud! I won't share the jokes because they were actually lame, but I laugh now thinking about laughing in my sleep and then really laughing. It really must have been a good joke!


Caryn Allen said...

I do that all the time! I've ALWAYS been a talker, and have been known to sing from time to time. Artene does is occasionally, too. I wonder what conversations we have that we DON'T know about!

The Roes said...

I bet we do have conversations in our sleep. I've told Adam he could go ahead and paint the door. He then asked what door I was talking about and I told him he could paint whatever door he wanted, whatever color he wanted. By that time I was awake and yelled at him for laughing at me. It was when we lived in Mexico and were you can see he had a good time with it.

Momma Sarah said...

Oh, those were the days of you and Liz talking in your sleep! It's so funny when the kids do it! I think of you two everytime! NO conversations between them, yet.