Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers today. Most importantly to me, Happy Father's Day: Adam, Dad, and Roy. I'm so thankful for these fathers for so many reasons.

We enjoyed a barbecue at some good friends' home tonight. It's always fun getting to spend time with friends. As seems to be the tradition with Haydn, he got injured in a not so serious but kind of serious way at their house. He was playing around with their kids and one of them bumped heads with Haydn. Haydn actually smashed his teeth into the other boy. He has knocked his front two top teeth loose. He knocked one of them loose before. It bled, but not too much. I wished it had gushed because now his gums are bruised. We'll continue to watch for swelling. I'll probably call the doctor tomorrow anyway. I really hope he doesn't lose a tooth over this. I don't know how well I will be able to handle him without a tooth for a couple years. If I can get pictures, I'll add them to this post. What is it people say... Oh yea, Boys will be Boys!

1 comment:

Boyd Box said...

What's Gianna's excuse, then??