Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sitting in a Doctor's Office

After sitting in the doctor's office for 3 hours for a glucose test, I saw a LOT of things I don't think I should have. I have some advise for pregnant women.
1. It doesn't matter how bad you feel, but wear clothes that match...mismatched clothes scream fat, not pregnant.
2. Don't wear pants that are too tight where everyone and their dog can see that you are wearing panties that are too small. Wedgies are never cute, and especially not on an oversized, pregnant butt!
3. Wear shorts that are long enough. Yes, most women get stretch marks, but we don't want to see them running down your legs.
4. Adding to the stretch marks, nobody wants to see the stretch marks on your belly, or your arms. Please cover them up.
5. Please do not discuss the conception of the baby. I don't care if you are a teen, 20s, or older. Trust me, nobody wants to hear that!

On the other hand, it was cute seeing so many couples getting to 'see' their baby for the first time or finding out the gender. I even saw one soon to be grandmother bring in balloons. So sweet.

Good news for the Roe's though, no gestational diabetes. I previously thought that gestational diabetes is no big deal, but there are so many complications caused by it. I am so glad that we are both healthy!

1 comment:

Danny and Laura said...

You are so funny. I had a nice long sit (only half the time you did) in the Dr. office yesterday and my experience was much different then yours. Thank goodness Utahans are a lot more modest than Missourians. :) I mostly kept my nose in my book though.