Monday, August 15, 2011

Just this One time

I am only going to complain this ONE time about pregnancy. My body aches and I hardly sleep at night. I am so tired. My back hurts, my stomach hurts, my legs hurt, even my sides hurt! It hurts to walk, it hurts to sit, it hurts to lay down. My legs feel like they weigh one hundred pounds each and the act of getting out of bed is painful. OH! and the random braxton hicks are nothing to pass off lightly. Nothing sounds good to eat and making meals is out of the question. If I have to come up with the idea for dinner, I don't have the energy to make it. I have lots of things to get done around the house before this little man gets here, but I have zero energy to do that. I am barely getting the things finished that are normal tasks. I can't get down and play on the floor with Haydn.  Knowing that there are only 5 weeks left of this is bittersweet. I know it isn't very long, but it seems forever at the same time.
On the other side of things, I am so happy that we have this little guy coming to us. We are all so excited to see him and can hardly wait to hold him and kiss him. We know we'll be tired, but seeing his little face will be so wonderful. There were many prayers asking for him and many more asking for his health and well being. I know I'll miss feeling him move. He'll grow so fast and there will be a lot of "remember when" or "I can't believe" conversations. As uncomfortable as I am now, I am very thankful to be pregnant. I know it could be a lot worse and I have been very blessed through this whole pregnancy.


Caryn Allen said...

Yeah, I'm getting to that stage, too. I forgot what the sucky part of pregnancy felt like. But I definitely think you should put up some shots of your no-doubt gorgeous belly!! ;)

Boyd Box said...

Hang in there, kiddo!! "No pain, no gain." I seriously think God coined that phrase. I'm sorry you are achy and uncomfortable, but we are glad you have a bro coming for Haydn, too!! Best wishes for the most comfortable you can be in the following weeks.