Friday, February 6, 2009

Look Where Haydn is Now

Haydn cracks me up! His personality is blooming. When Haydn started to eat solids on his own, he would shove all the food off his plate onto the floor. We didn't want him to think this was ok and that he'd get new food, so we picked the food up and put it back on his plate (we would inspect it for any gross things first!). After doing this for a couple days, Haydn stopped. It was amazing. A few days later he started back into shoving the food off his plate, but then he'd pick it all up himself. It didn't stop there either! He would play with his toys and when he was finished, he'd pick them up. When we give him bathes, he puts the toys away when he's ready to get out. He definitely inherited his grandma Neanie's 'cleaning' genes (thanks by the way). So I shouldn't have been surprised when I found Haydn in the kitchen putting things in the drawer!

Isn't he so cute?

1 comment:

Momma Sarah said...

Too cute! I still can't get over how big he looks with is new hair cut! I'm missing you all very much today! I think it's the fog and clouds that are still hanging around at almost noon now... gotta love WA weather!