Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grandpa Tacos

My grandfather made the best tacos, hands down. In fact, after my friends tried them once they always asked if they could come over the next time my grandpa made tacos. I am not kidding, they were the most delicious tacos one could make. I was sure there was a secret to making them and I couldn't figure it out. They weren't your ordinary run of the mill ground beef tacos...they were shredded beef tacos. The kind with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and you HAD to have this one type of taco sauce. (No special ordering...you had to have it all, that's what made them so delicious) The flavors worked together like nothing you can imagine! They quickly became a family favorite and we would ask my mom to make them. She made them very similarly to what Grandpa did, but they never were quite the same, something was missing. I decided that there must have been a 'secret' ingredient he used in the process. A few years ago my grandfather passed away and I never did get the chance to ask him what the 'secret' ingredient was. I was also sad that Adam was never going to get to have authentic "Grandpa tacos." I'm sure I could ask my grandmother, but there was something about those tacos that my grandpa made. I decided I'd try my hand at "Grandpa Tacos" this evening for dinner. (I wasn't running tonight, so it was probably the best night to try making them) I was prompted to make the tacos by a couple ingredients my mother gave me...1) the roast (most important) and 2) the special taco sauce. They turned out exactly how I remember Grandpa's tacos. They are still making my mouth water! MMMM so good. I think I figured out the secret ingredient...you cook a roast, you need corn tortillas (the kind you fry yourself), cheese, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, the special sauce...it's very difficult to find around here, so I won't even bother with what kind....and the secret ingredient I'm convinced my grandfather used was... LOVE. He absolutely LOVED to make them for us. Grandpa didn't cook much, and this was one meal he could make from start to finish. I remember him asking me how many tacos I wanted and I always had like 8-12 (I was much skinnier then and could handle eating that many). He always laughed and was so delighted to make those tacos. He would cook until our hearts AND stomachs were content. I must say, tonight I made my tacos with the same kind of love. Adam was very hungry when he got home from work and I wanted him to be completely satisfied with dinner. (Adam did special order his tacos...I'm working on him with his vegetables) I think it was the attitude of making dinner tonight though...I didn't see it as something I had to do, it was something that I was ABLE to do. I hope I can keep this attitude towards meals, and if not all the time at least most the time. We are so blessed to have an abundance of food and the fact that we get to choose what we are going to eat every day instead of wondering IF we get to eat makes cooking seem like a luxury. If there is one thing I am to learn from my grandfather...Love is it. I still feel his love today and know without a doubt that he watches over me. I miss you Grandpa and I love you very much! Thank you for the life lesson.


Boyd Box said...

Grandpa Tacos!!! Okay, it is only 10am and I am wanting to eat them. He really did just cook-cook-cook on taco night. We ALL ate a ton of them (I don't know how our bodies could handle being packed so full. I eat three now and I get an upset tummy.)!! Maybe I should eat breakfast already...that would help.

Momma Sarah said...

Ah-ha! I know what the secret ingredient is! Love certainly is a bog one, but I know the 'real' secret! You'll have to call me to find out! xoxoxoxo