Monday, August 3, 2009

High Jumper in Training

Two of my younger brothers have done the high jump on the high school track teams. My youngest brother is still in high school and still doing high jump. I've gone and watched him a time or two and it's pretty interesting to see that you can jump over a bar backwards and jump literally over my head! Haydn has gone with me to watch my youngest brother and I didn't think he was watching at all. I also have to let you know that Haydn has loved climbing into our pack-n-play. He can climb in, but can't climb out. I think he can, but haven't witnessed it yet. Anyhow, he was just trying to "high jump" out of it. He had his back arched over the side and was crying because he couldn't get out. Maybe he'll be a high jumper...I think just about anyone who knows him will testify that he will definitely be an athlete. He is very coordinated and can balance. What do you think...a high jumper in training?