Monday, August 24, 2009

Mimicking Habits, Appendicitis, Meals on Wheels

Haydn is really good at mimicking us lately. Of course he has done this his whole life, but he does it more so and more exactly like us as of late. When we leave the house, I usually take a water bottle with me. I am very particular in the flavor of water (yes, water has a flavor!) Last night I wanted to show Adam a neighborhood and it required us to get into the car. So we were getting our shoes on and Haydn grabbed his water bottle and was ready to go. "Just like your mother" Adam said. At least it's a good habit right? Now, to get him to go potty on the toilet.

Thursday morning we received a call from my brother. Let me restate the middle of the night on the Thursday date side, we received a call from my brother. He was in a lot of pain and was asking me to come pick him up and take him to the hospital. I'm not kidding, the phone rings supersonic loud in the middle of the night and you get an adrenaline so everything seems soap opera-ish dramatic. I tried to keep my cool with my brother and let him know that I'm always here for him. On my way to pick him up, I lose my cool and panic call my parents. If my brother is in enough pain to warrant a call in the middle of the night, my parents probably need to know as well. After going to the ER and being released, we went home and tried to get some rest. Not too much longer later, Jared comes over and rings my door bell. I thought this was a little weird because I KNEW how much pain he was in. I couldn't believe he drove to my house! Anyhow, his doctor called him and told him that he really wanted to see him that day and was concerned about him. To make a long story short, his doc call him in because he thought that Jared's pain was more associated with his appendix than anything else. So, he requested a room at a hospital and called a surgeon to talk to him and see what he thought. He ended up having his appendix taken out and all is well now.

Since Jared is down for the count, I have turned in to his personal Meals on Wheels program. I try to cater to his needs and wants, but it's hard to do so when he doesn't request anything! I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago (almost exactly 4 years) and recently passed a kidney stone. I can sympathize the pain and know the need for help. I'm quickly realizing how many 'sick' dishes we make for people that have noodles or some kind of pasta in them. I'm planning on making hamburgers and meatballs for him in the next couple days. So, if you have any ideas about meals to take to someone who is healing, let me know!


Momma Sarah said...

Hmmm, just 'regular' meals you would make at home for your family. How about burritos? Quesadillas - with black beans and chicken? Enchiladas? I'm craving mexican food, can you tell??? Pizza? There's something not mexican... lol!

The Roes said...

I thought about those, but beans are a killer when you lose an organ!!! YUCK =)

Boyd Box said...

Bland foods are "advisable" but keeping the palate happy is important, too.
It's more on the boring side, but Eric loves my "hamburger gravy" and rice. It isn't gravy. It's just browned ground beef with cream of mushroom soup in it (I do 1.5 lbs beef to two small cans of cream-o-mush plus about 1 can of milk to make it "gravy"). Season with salt and pepper and that's it!